Domain Name Server

Domain Name Server

DNS services that enable us to access the Internet change our login speed. The DNS services offered by our Internet Service Provider are slow and cannot be trusted. Instead, there are many free public DNS services available, but we can't trust them because they collect our data. It is in this backdrop that Cloudflare launches a free DNS service that anyone in the world can use to increase internet speeds.

💚What is D.N.S?

When building a house, it gets an address. We have an Internet address, or Internet Protocol (IP) address, that connects us to the Internet, as well as to servers that hold files on websites. That way, the server address on our Roar website that currently holds the file is If you want to go to a friend's house and want to go to a website like asking for their address and searching for it, here's where to go to this IP address. But who can remember these numbers so much! There we have a DNS service.

When you ask us what our web address is, it is easier to say or in a language and a memorable name than say the number. This is why many homes use a name instead of a number. Domain Name Server (DNS) is the intermediary that converts a name to a number. When we type a web address in a text browser, we tap the DNS server that the browser has assigned to it and ask what the IP address is. If that server does not have the website details we need, it will call another DNS server and tell it to us.

💚How is this possible in Shared hosting?

Shared hosting on the left and a dedicated hosting icon on the right (

Shared hosting - When a large number of websites on a single server are hosted, all of them receive a single IP address. For example, if there are multiple families in a single house, they all have a single address. If you access the IP address of the above Roar, our site will not appear because the server is shared. In these cases, after the DNS server has provided the public IP address, the server looks at the header with the domain sent by the browser and releases the files accordingly. This is why when accessing a dedicated IP or a single-family home, you can go through the IP address.

💚How to DNS Internet Slow

A DNS server queries its entire country or its worldwide connected computers. It is tens of thousands in a second. So the server should be robust enough to read the database and respond to the large number of queries it receives, while at the same time connecting to other servers. Since the servers provided by our ISPs are not very powerful and their databases are not constantly updated, it will take longer to hear from more servers and answer them. As a result, the DNS resolve, such as slow speeds, can occur on the landing.

Because it takes a lot of time and effort to do this often, browsers retrieve and store data on the Web site we want through DNS servers. They're being updated periodically. This is because the owner of a website should be aware of the DNS server or browser as it will get a new IP address if the files are transferred to different servers.

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